Archived articles


Consumers pushed to tipping point
Published July 10, 2023
Technology and economic factors are fueling a noticeable rise in tip requests, at self-checkout kiosks and beyond
'Health care'—not 'sick care'
Published June 23, 2023
A passion for policy emerged during emergency room stints in medical school and later during her residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital
Mental health and democratic agency
Published June 22, 2023
Experts from Johns Hopkins led explorations of the relationship between mental well-being and democracy at a symposium in Athens
Law and disorder
Published Summer 2023
A new book about the Baltimore Gun Trace Task Force comes from a unique perspective: Its author, Leo Wise, A&S '99, SAIS '00 (MA), was a federal prosecutor who helped take them down / Johns Hopkins Magazine
A year without Roe
Published June 21, 2023
Hopkins experts examine the abortion rights landscape a year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade
Juneteenth festivities planned at Johns Hopkins
Published June 15, 2023
Black Faculty and Staff Association honors new inductees into the Indispensable Role of Blacks at Johns Hopkins; Juneteenth officially observed with the university's closing on Monday, June 19
Justice for all?
Published June 7, 2023
Political scientist and sociologist Vesla Weaver listens to the voices of people whose experience of democracy, citizenship, and government is completely different from that of those not living under police surveillance
K-12 Education
Baltimore students celebrate the end of the year with CTY
Published June 6, 2023
Students and their families attended a celebration on the Homewood campus marking the end of a fruitful year of academic exploration through the Baltimore Emerging Scholars Program
Gun violence
Gun-related deaths reach record high in U.S.
Published June 6, 2023
2021 CDC data shows nearly 49,000 firearm fatalities, more than half as a result of suicide
Policy briefing
Prescription drug shortages force tough treatment decisions
Published June 5, 2023
Hopkins experts discuss current shortages in chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, and other critical medicines—and how to overcome them