Archived articles


How concerned should we be about bird flu?
Published Feb 23, 2023
Epidemiologist and environmental microbiologist Meghan Frost Davis discusses the current state of the outbreak and its global reverberations.
Alternative medicine
Intravenous mistletoe extract shows promise as cancer therapy
Published Feb 23, 2023
In a phase I trial meant to evaluate the drug's safety, researchers document improved quality of life and some disease control among participants
Behavioral science
Edibles with CBD may bake in a stronger high
Published Feb 16, 2023
Hopkins researchers find that CBD inhibits the breakdown of THC, which may result in stronger and longer drug effects after consuming edible cannabis products
President's Frontier Award
Indigenous health researcher Melissa Walls honored
Published Feb 14, 2023
Walls, co-director of the university's Center for Indigenous Health, will receive a $250,000 grant to further her community-based work improving the health and well-being of native communities
Coronavirus Resource Center
Hopkins winds down pioneering pandemic data tracking
Published Feb 10, 2023
The Coronavirus Resource Center, a critical resource during the COVID-19 pandemic, will cease the collection and reporting of COVID-19 data on March 10; other Hopkins COVID-19 resources remain available
In Memoriam
Genetic medicine pioneer Barbara Migeon dies at 91
Published Feb 9, 2023
Migeon, the sixth woman to reach the rank of professor at the School of Medicine, remembered for dedication to education, influential research
Maternal health
Study affirms link between sickle cell disease, risk of increased mortality in pregnant people
Published Feb 6, 2023
The study finds that the mortality rate for pregnant people with sickle cell disease is 26 times higher than the national average—a figure that hasn't improved since the last time this population was assessed
Environmental health
Hairdressers of color exposed to 'concerning' mix of chemicals
Published Jan 26, 2023
A study finds hairdressers of color, compared to women who work in offices, have higher levels of chemicals in their bodies
The thorny history of sickle cell anemia
Published Jan 25, 2023
As part of the university's Racism and Repair in the Modern Academy project, Johns Hopkins researchers look inward at the past, present, and future of treatment for this disease
How SARS-CoV-2 evolved to counter its own weaknesses
Published Jan 18, 2023
Hopkins researchers say their research can improve our understanding of how the spike protein works and how the virus evolves