Archived articles


Artificial intelligence
The doctor is out, but it's OK. ChatGPT can answer your questions
Published April 28, 2023
A new study finds that ChatGPT outperforms human physicians in quality and empathy of responses to patient concerns
Faculty honors
Rexford Ahima elected to American Academy
Published April 27, 2023
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor among 269 scholars selected for membership in one of the nation's oldest learned societies
Walking a leashed dog associated with risk of traumatic brain injury
Published April 26, 2023
Finger fracture, traumatic brain injury, and shoulder sprain or strain among common injuries related to leash-dependent dog walking
Public health
Chronic health conditions may be severely undertreated in U.S. prisons
Published April 19, 2023
Analysis by experts at the Bloomberg School of Public Health suggests conditions go untreated among incarcerated people compared to general public
Jack Iwashyna joins JHU as Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Published April 5, 2023
Iwashyna blends acute care expertise with health services research to better understand how an array of factors affect a patient's life course
Opioid crisis
OTC Narcan: A big win for public health
Published April 3, 2023
Public health experts from Johns Hopkins share their insights on the FDA's approval of over-the-counter Narcan, which puts the lifesaving medicine in everyone's reach
Fact or fiction?
Experts take on top food myths
Published Spring 2023
Navigating today's conflicting nutrition advice can be confusing. Johns Hopkins Magazine turned to a panel of Hopkins experts for the truth—the science-backed, evidence-based, fact-checked truth—behind some common food myths. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Hope sprouts eternal
Published Spring 2023
Johns Hopkins researchers are pitting the humble broccoli sprout against ulcers, autism, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease, COVID, colds, cancer, and more / Johns Hopkins Magazine
How will we feed the future and save the planet?
Published Spring 2023
The world's food systems are in peril—but there's still time to act / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Stuck in the middle of the food allergy era
Published Spring 2023
More kids and adults are finding out they can't eat this or that. We ask an allergist why. / Johns Hopkins Magazine