Archived articles

Whiting school

Mechanical engineering
Robotic surgeon precisely removes cancerous tumors
Published March 18, 2024
A team of Johns Hopkins researchers designed a device that can successfully remove tumors from the tongue with accuracy rivaling human surgeons
Hager to head NSF directorate in information science, engineering
Published March 14, 2024
The directorate supports research in all areas of computer and information science and engineering, as well as advanced research cyberinfrastructure necessary for discovery in all science and engineering fields
Artificial intelligence
Collaborating with ChatGPT to create brain-inspired chips
Published March 4, 2024
Systems could power energy-efficient, real-time machine intelligence for next-generation autonomous vehicles, robots
Environmental Health
Investing in offshore wind energy
Published March 4, 2024
JHU and Morgan State researchers team up with the Maryland Energy Administration to grow the local offshore wind industry
Artificial intelligence
Improving AI accuracy in medical settings
Published Feb 20, 2024
Johns Hopkins and Columbia University computer scientists combat the inaccurate correlations that artificial intelligence learns from text data
Materials science
Nanoparticles amplify potential cancer vaccine power
Published Dec 14, 2023
New method developed by Johns Hopkins researchers could enhance the body's ability to fight cancer and make vaccines more effective in targeting tumors
Environmental health
Order up for cleaner kitchen air
Published Dec 7, 2023
A research team that included a JHU air-quality expert has developed a new method for better estimating potential exposure to cooking-related emissions during stir-frying
Environmental Health
Turning waste into watts
Published Dec 7, 2023
Study led by Hopkins environmental engineers suggests that anaerobic digestion could be used to clean cattle manure and produce fuel
Faculty honors
Yayuan Liu wins Packard Fellowship
Published Oct 17, 2023
The prestigious fellowship supports creative and innovative lines of research by early career scientists
Artificial intelligence
Unleashing the digital Michelangelo
Published July 12, 2023
Johns Hopkins and NVIDIA researchers teamed up to pioneer Neuralangelo, a revolutionary 3D reconstruction algorithm with applications in virtual reality, autonomous systems, and more