Upcoming events

Snf agora institute

Feb 25, 2025
Cultivating Academic Inquiry and a Culture of Connection
12 - 1pm EST
SNF Agora Conference Room, Room N325F, Wyman Park Building Wyman Park Building
Homewood Campus
This workshop explores classroom practices that foster robust academic inquiry and sustain and promote connected, resilient, and responsive communities.
March 3, 2025
What is The Dark Web? An Explanation and Live Tour
12 - 1pm EST
SNF Agora Conference Room, Room N325, Wyman Park Building Wyman Park Building
Homewood Campus
Everyone's heard of the Dark Web, but few dare to venture into this netherworld. In this talk, cybersecurity expert Joseph M. Hatfield explains the origins of and technology behind the Dark Web and anonymous web browsing, taking the audience on a live tour of dark websites.
March 27, 2025
The Material of Identity: Americans, Bureaucracy, and the SSN
12 - 1pm EDT
SNF Agora Conference Room, Room N325F, Wyman Park Building Wyman Park Building
Homewood Campus
April 2, 2025
Does Race Trump Ethnicity? A Test of the Black Immigrant Invisibility Hypothesis in America
12 - 1pm EDT
SNF Agora Conference Room, Room N325F, Wyman Park Building Wyman Park Building
Homewood Campus
How many candidates with "invisible identities" use their identities in campaigns? Are these strategies effective amongst racial in-group and out-group voters in America? As part of SNF Agora's Academy Workshop series, Leann Mclaren will explore the case of Black immigrant politicians.
April 15, 2025
Feeling at Home in the Global City: The Distinct Appeal of Dubai for Non-Western Expatriates
12 - 1pm EDT
SNF Agora Conference Room, Wyman Park Building Wyman Park Building
Homewood Campus
Global cities are often assessed using universalizing economic criteria, overlooking how local characteristics shape high-skill migration. As part of SNF Agora's Academy Workshop series, post-doctoral fellow Mustafa Yavas will examine the case of Dubai via a survey of 571 college-educated migrants from South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
April 16, 2025
What We Learn from Where We Live
3:30 - 5pm EDT
In this talk, Cornell professor Neil Lewis, Jr. will share recent findings from his program of research that has been using the United States as a context to examine how patterns of segregation and other forms of social stratification seep into the mind and affect how people perceive and make meaning of the world around them.