Archived articles

Johns hopkins medicine

Linking colon cancer to gut bacteria
Published June 5, 2024
School of Medicine professors Jessica Queen and Cynthia Sears recently published an article in the journal Nature Cancer about potential links between the gut microbiome and colorectal cancer.
Interdisciplinary health
Elizabeth Selvin named director of the Welch Center
Published May 30, 2024
Selvin has devoted her career to leading translational research projects designed to evaluate and improve screening, diagnosis, and patient care for persons with diabetes
Malaria research
Geneticist Jane Carlton named Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Published May 28, 2024
Carlton uses tools of comparative genomics to study the biology and evolution of different species of parasites, with the goal of eradicating malaria
Potential breakthrough in food allergy management
Published Feb 26, 2024
A Johns Hopkins Medicine study suggests omalizumab could become a 'life-changing' medication for patients with multiple food allergies
Scientists pinpoint key to evolution of bird flight
Published Feb 6, 2024
By pairing PET scans of modern pigeons with studies of dinosaur fossils, scientists learn why some vertebrates fly
Exploring sex-specific features of HIV
Published Feb 6, 2024
Johns Hopkins researcher Eileen Scully advocates for including sex as a biological variable in preclinical and clinical trials
More sickle cell patients could benefit from transplant
Published Dec 12, 2023
"Half-matched" bone marrow transplants can cure sickle cell disease in 88% of patients
Brain science
Brain scans of ex-NFL players show impact of collision sports
Published Nov 29, 2023
Hopkins Medicine adds to growing stack of evidence that collision sports involving repeated blows to the head may lead to dementia and other forms of cognitive disorders
Pickens Foundation gives $20M to Wilmer Eye Institute
Published Aug 7, 2023
Gift from foundation established by late philanthropist will support vision-saving research, professorships
New study reveals set of brain regions that control complex sequences of movement
Published May 13, 2023
A new study in mice highlights areas of their brains that control complex movements. The findings could be used to target those regions in humans and restore motor function caused by injury or illness