Archived articles


3 Questions
Guns and domestic abuse
Published June 28, 2024
Jacquelyn Campbell, a renowned expert in intimate partner violence, discusses the risks firearms pose to abused women and her landmark research that underpins a recent Supreme Court decision
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Artificial intelligence and its impact on the 2024 elections
Published June 5, 2024
AI has the potential to transform everything from health care to elections. SNF Agora's Scott Warren considers how it's affecting this election cycle.
3 Questions
How science can help countries forge unlikely connections
Published April 12, 2024
By finding common ground in science, nations with otherwise strained relationships can build ties and establish friendships, says Nobel laureate and science diplomat Peter Agre
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Supply chains could feel ripple effects from bridge collapse
Published March 26, 2024
Operations management expert Tinglong Dai discusses the impact of the collapse for consumers, suppliers, and the economy
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Structural engineer discusses Baltimore's Key Bridge collapse
Published March 26, 2024
Bridge expert Rachel Sangree talks about how long, continuous spans in the bridge design played a role in its collapse
3 Questions
What happens if the Supreme Court limits mifepristone?
Published March 26, 2024
Johns Hopkins expert Suzanne Bell explains the possible reproductive health impacts of limiting access to a pill that has been safely used by millions of people
3 Questions
Why the U.S. health system needs redesign
Published March 8, 2024
Hopkins Nursing policy expert Vincent Guilamo-Ramos makes the case for a nurse-led approach to health care that focuses on prevention and equity
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A closer look at Alabama's IVF ruling
Published Feb 27, 2024
The ruling that frozen embryos are children could set the stage for a national fetal personhood law, but restricting IVF is generally unpopular, Hopkins bioethicist Ruth Faden says
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Who would benefit from the bipartisan tax bill?
Published Feb 2, 2024
If passed, a new tax package would convey the most significant benefits to low-income families, Hopkins economist Robert Moffitt explains
3 Questions
The road ahead after COP28
Published Dec 18, 2023
The U.N. summit's climate pact is a step in the right direction, but much more is needed, Hopkins expert Benjamin Link says