
Hopkins promoters spread the word

For many Johns Hopkins students, graduation is just the beginning of a lifelong connection to the university. With a vibrant alumni network, graduates can stay involved with the countless university-sponsored events and opportunities offered year-round.

The Hopkins Promoters program, relaunched in September after a year's hiatus, offers alumni, faculty, alumni parents, and friends of the university an easy way to volunteer for these happenings, share the latest JH news and information on their social networks, and win prizes in the process.

"With Hopkins Promoters, our alumni can give back by sharing messages they feel good about on their social accounts," says Gwen Harley, senior associate director of communications for the Office of Alumni Relations.

Hopkins Promoters currently has 732 active users who receive weekly emails with content curated by JH staff, according to Megan Kelly, communications coordinator for the Office of Alumni Relations.

"With just one click, alumni can easily share these messages on social media," Kelly says.

Harley says messages are customized to alumni, based on what resonates with them.

"We have university messages to share, as well as those that relate directly to an alum's specific school," she says. "That's something we haven't done in the past."

Recent messages have included information on signature events such as the Alumni Weekend and Women's Leadership Conference.

"We also promote our philanthropic initiatives like the all-university giving day, OneHopkins (March 14), the Alumni Association's Student Grants program, alumni surveys, and more," Harley says. "The more information they share, the higher the probability they will win our monthly prize of Hopkins swag, but there's no requirement to share messaging."

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