Readers respond: Tell us about the club or extracurricular that helped you find your people as a student at Johns Hopkins.

I was an undergraduate student at Goucher and then a graduate student at Johns Hopkins. Being in the band helped me adjust to life away from home and quickly find a group with common interests.
Karen Flathman Jablon, Ed '88 (MS)

The Debate Council gave some of us who were interested in current affairs an opportunity to participate in intercollegiate competitions. We even won a couple of those.
David J. Thompson, A&S '67

I came to Hopkins in 2017 from my home in Puerto Rico, mostly frightened and unsure of myself. My friends from freshman year can tell you I was afraid to do much of anything—so signing up for the Yong Han Lion Dance Troupe was never in my plans. (I was perhaps the most ungainly person to ever grace my high school.) I joined the troupe despite (or maybe because of) their jokes about signing a blood pact at the student activities fair, and I stayed because the older troupe members drove me to Giant for my groceries, fed me Korean barbecue, and took me to so many amazing AAPI events throughout my first year. I went on to house our lion's head in my dorm room, learned to do some acrobatics, and had an unbelievable amount of fun. When I think of Hopkins, I always think about lion dance.
Siyuan Feng, Engr '21

Posted in Voices+Opinion