In 2013, Yasmene Mumby, A&S '08, Ed '10 (MAT), helped push the passage of $1.1 billion in funding to improve Baltimore's schools.

Image credit: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University
At the time, she was a Baltimore City schoolteacher and co-chair of the Baltimore Education Coalition, which rallied parents, students, and community partners around the cause. Now, as a doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Baltimore native has returned to her hometown to assist Turnaround Tuesday, a faith-based nonprofit that helps the jobless and underemployed, many with criminal records, find livable-wage jobs through such employers as the Johns Hopkins Health System.
Mumby is observing the program in action and developing a multimedia project to publicize its work.
Her plans include a long-form article, a podcast series, and a short film, which together will tell the story of the efforts underway "to revitalize neighborhoods that have been overlooked and underresourced, and have had little access to reliable transportation and healthy food," she says. "I'm interested in creating media that educates and inspires action for social impact."
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Posted in Politics+Society, Alumni