Icebreaker: What are you most looking forward to this summer?

A woman holds a cookbook open

Image caption: Going on a book tour in Europe for my cookbook, Everyday Korean. —Seung Hee Lee, SPH ’13 (PhD)

Credit: Dan Ahn, A&S ’07, SPh ’08 (MhS)

Planting and harvesting several varieties of hot peppers to make sauces, cucumbers for pickles, and tomatoes for eating right off the vine. —Nick Nichols, A&S '96 (MS)

Returning to Florence, Italy, to revisit and enhance my memories of Dr. Phoebe Stanton's art history courses—her lectures and dialogues still resonate all these years later. —Ted Robertson, A&S '81

Traveling to see some of my former students graduate from high school and college. I'm proud and excited to be there for their special days. —Stephanie Lee Kozofsky, Ed '17 (MS)

Purchasing a home in Roland Park with my partner, Jo-Anna, and introducing her to my favorite historical sites in Baltimore and throughout Maryland. —James Laurence Knighton, A&S '90

Continuing with the daily routine: wake with the sunrise, surf waves, practice yoga, eat fish tacos, play music, read book, sleep soundly. Retirement: highly recommended! —Stuart LeBlanc, Peab '87

Marrying a fellow Johns Hopkins alum (who is now JHSPH faculty). —Kaitlin Leigh McHenry, Nurs '14, '16 (MSN)

Traveling with my boyfriend to Asia—specifically, taking a cruise around the Shiretoko Peninsula. —Susie Fawzi, A&S '07

Going out on the water off the coast of South Carolina. —Spencer Twigg, Bus '16 (MS)

An internship with Johnson & Johnson. —Eric Wan, A&S '14

Getting married! —Brenton Pennicooke, A&S '08

Next question: What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

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Posted in Voices+Opinion