Image caption: Devin Alessio
Image credit: Courtesy of Devin Alessio
There's one question Devin Alessio, A&S '14, gets asked a lot: Is your job like The Devil Wears Prada? "Absolutely not," she says with a laugh. As social media manager for Diane von Furstenberg, Alessio spends her days consulting with DVF herself—the designer lives just above the company's Manhattan headquarters—to plan the brand's strategy on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. This year, she's working on the company's #INCHARGE campaign, which celebrates women taking charge, whether it's of their careers, their bodies, or their finances. "It's an interesting time to work in fashion, as there's this new wave of feminism," she says.
As for Alessio, she's learned to take charge of not just her career but her closet. The lover of black basics says her DVF freebies have taught her to incorporate prints and color into her wardrobe. "I don't mind standing out anymore," she says.
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