From the premier issue of Johns Hopkins Magazine, April 1950:

But the man or woman who wants to keep up with developments in the universities—or even in a particular university—has a hard time doing so. There is an abundance of scientific journals, trade journals, medical journals, engineering journals, each devoted to the single field, or fraction of a field, which it represents. But for the person who wants a general, non-technical picture of developments in fields besides his own, there has been little help, even from the universities themselves. To provide such a picture, at least of the activities at one university, Johns Hopkins has established this magazine. It is not intended as a magazine in which the reader will find an exhaustive treatment of his own specialties; if he looks for that, he will be disappointed. It is for the busy person who desires a quick, panoramic view, who wishes to "keep his oar in" areas beyond his own, that the Johns Hopkins Magazine has been designed. It is, frankly, an experiment.
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Tagged johns hopkins history