As an assistant U.S. attorney in Massachusetts, Aloke Chakravarty, A&S '94, has won convictions in a number of terrorism cases. But none were as high profile as that of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, which resulted in a death penalty sentence in May 2015. "Any case consumes you, but whenever there's a violent crime or a lot of victims, you take it much more personally," he says. "It penetrates your entire life."
Chakravarty's job goes beyond the courtroom. For years, he's worked with a program that holds monthly meetings to encourage open dialogue between the government and American Muslims. The forum allows the Islamic community to voice their concerns about profiling, confidential informants, and other investigative methods and helps law enforcement build connections to counter terrorism and hate crimes. "Trust is a valuable asset in any relationship," says Chakravarty, "and working productively and empathetically together over a period of time helps keep us safer in the short and long term."
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