Jhpiego, a global nonprofit health organization affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, has been chosen to lead the U.S. government's flagship effort to end preventable maternal and child deaths around the world.

Image credit: Kate Holt
The Maternal and Child Survival Program, a five-year, $500 million agreement supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development, will accelerate the expansion of innovative, high-impact health approaches in 24 priority countries in an effort to save the lives of women and children in need.
The new project will engage government leaders, policymakers, health care providers, and other key stakeholders to ensure that high-quality, integrated services reach women, families, and communities, particularly marginalized and vulnerable populations. It will also incorporate several cross-cutting approaches to this effort, including improving quality, engaging partners in the private sector, using innovative approaches to overcome previously insurmountable barriers, and mobilizing communities to identify local priorities, resources, and solutions.
The Maternal and Child Survival Program carries for ward the momentum and lessons learned from the highly successful USAID-funded and Jhpiego-led Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program, which has helped improve the health of women and children in more than 50 developing countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Jhpiego has 40 years of experience targeting the leading causes of maternal mortality, newborn deaths, and under-5 deaths.
"Jhpiego's ongoing commitment to connecting Johns Hopkins researchers and scientists to global practice enables transformational solutions around the world," says President Ronald J. Daniels. "We are incredibly proud to be part of this new endeavor."
Posted in Health, University News