Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson ("Guns Kill Cops") has written articles, essays, and fiction for The New York Times, Slate, Metropolis, Architect, and Little Patuxent Review, among others. She is a 2013 recipient of the Individual Artist Award in Fiction from the Maryland State Arts Council.
Stacy Zarin-Goldberg ("Empty Nest", photography) is a D.C.-based photographer whose work appears regularly in Baltimore magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, Washingtonian, Bethesda Magazine, and others.
Rachel Stewart Johnson ("Empty Nest") has a PhD in developmental psychology from Stanford University and is a former lecturer in human development and psychology at the University of California, San Diego. She has written for health care companies, Pomona College Magazine, and University of Denver Magazine.
Linda Zacks ("Publish or Perish," illustration) is an award-winning artist and designer living in Brooklyn. She was previously design director for VH1.com and has worked independently with Sony Style, Adobe, and INQ Mobile, among others.
David Fullarton ("Their Kind of Town," illustration), born in Scotland and based in San Francisco, combines images with words to create humorous illustrations. His clients have included the Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, Mother Jones, and Yahoo.
Kati Woronka ("Trauma's Toll"), A&S '99, Ed '00 (MAT), is the author of Dreams in the Medina, a novel about Syrian women based on her four-year experience living and working in that country. After spending time in more than a dozen countries, she has settled in London, where she teaches international development.
On the cover
Simon Spilsbury is an award-winning U.K.-based illustrator whose specialty, he says, is "finding absurdity in the minutiae of life." For the past 16 years, he has tackled everything from newspaper illustrations to multimedia ad campaigns for clients like Nike, Virgin, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, and others. An art director once said of his work, "Spilsbury's drawings always jump off the page and bite me on the ass." We think, however, the illustrator's cover art gets inside our heads.