Here are three examples of words in each of 10 categories. These categories are related but distinct. Can you identify the categories from these samples?
- false, neighbor, priest-hood: fasehood, neighborhood, priesthood
- bore, duke, free-dom: boredom, dukedom, freedom
- lone, three, trouble-some: lonesome, threesome, troublesome
- gorge, marvel, outrage-ous: gorgeous, marvelous, outrageous
- grate, hurt, wish-ful: grateful, hurtful, wishful
- heart, wire, worth-less: heartless, wireless, worthless
- fix, mix, rap-ture: fixture, mixture, rapture
- for, par, weigh-ty: forty, party, weighty
- battle, court, fellow-ship: battleship, courtship, fellowship
- fond, soft, wicked-ness: fondness, softness, wickedness; OR -ly: fondly, softly, wickedly
Each of the following seven words could fit into (at least) two of the 10 categories. Can you determine which ones for each of these?
- care, casual, child, hand, hope, king, wincareful/careless; casualty/casualness; childhood/childless; handsome/handful; hopeful/hopeless; kingdom/kingship; winsome/winless