Lunch on the Lawn brings together the Whiting community
Gathering celebrates the start of the new academic year

By Steve James
/ Published Sept 13, 2024Nearly 2,000 faculty, staff, students, and postdocs from the Whiting School of Engineering came together on Wednesday, Sept. 11, to celebrate the start of the new academic year during the school's annual Lunch on the Lawn.
The gathering was held on Homewood's Wyman Quad, where guests informally enjoyed BBQ food, drinks, games, and each other's company. This year's event also included 15 information tables to help build student awareness of available engagement opportunities throughout Whiting.
The Whiting Staff Council, now in its second year, also had a table, providing attendees with an opportunity to learn more about the council, its past efforts, and its goals for the future.
This year's event comes as Johns Hopkins University and the Whiting School of Engineering continue to grow to support JHU's upcoming Data Science and AI Institute, which is envisioned as the nation's foremost destination for emerging applications, opportunities, and challenges presented by data science, machine learning, and AI.