Credit: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins Medicine students get placed with their perfect match
Graduating JHU medical students came together on March 15 for Match Day, where they were given the location of their future residency training
By Hub staff report
/ Published March 19, 2024Match Day is one of the most important moments in an aspiring doctor's life. After years of hard work in medical school, graduating students open an envelope to learn what residency program they have been "matched" with. Some will stay at or near their school. Others will be sent to the other side of the country. But no matter where the students go next, on Match Day, they celebrate together.
On March 15, more than 41,000 students from around the world—including 111 future doctors studying at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine—were paired with 6,395 residency programs by the National Resident Matching Program. Twenty seven percent of the JHU students are staying at Hopkins for their residencies. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!