Meeting Menopause with Moxie Networking Group


Moxie is energy, determination, and courage – qualities that can help you endure life's challenges. This networking group, Meeting Menopause with Moxie, is here to help you do just that. If you are pre-, peri-, or post-menopause, this group is here to support you as you journey through the menopause transition.

Hosted by the Office of Benefits & Worklife, this group is for Hopkins employees who want to share experiences, resources, and support about menopause and the menopause transition.

The group meets virtually from 1 to 2 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Registration is required, and you can register here. To join the dedicated Microsoft Teams group, email

Additional networking groups can be found on the Benefits & Worklife website here.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Registration is required

Register here

Posted in Benefits

Tagged hr-worklife