Young Professionals Networking Group
Are you early in your career, or is Hopkins your first professional job? Are you looking to establish or expand your network of peers? Establishing yourself as a young professional brings unique challenges, whether financial, social, emotional, or physical.
The Office of Benefits and Worklife hosts a recurring virtual meeting for those wanting a forum to connect with other Hopkins employees navigating their early career. Join us on Zoom every fourth Wednesday of the month from noon to 1 p.m. for the Young Professionals Networking Group. Register in advance here.
The Office of Benefits & Worklife and JHEAP host several recurring Virtual Networking Groups for employees. These networking groups are an opportunity to connect with Hopkins peers who may be going through similar life experiences. Registration is required. To ensure privacy, these sessions are not recorded and are only available to Johns Hopkins affiliate employees. Open this flyer to see all the current groups.
A Microsoft Teams Channel for each networking topic has been created for resource sharing and networking. To join a Team, initiate a new networking group topic, or ask a question about the current groups, contact
Who can attend?
- Faculty
- Staff
Posted in At Work
Tagged hr-benefits