Opening Reception: The Future of Here

Join The Peale to celebrate the opening of "The Future of Here: A Glimpse of a River Culture to Come."
The Future of Here is an invitation to reimagine our place along the Jones Falls River and the Chesapeake Bay in a distant future beyond our fossil-fueled present. Consider what local landscapes and cultures might look like in a time far beyond the Baltimore we know now. What artifacts might people of that future time produce, and how might they make creative use of the many things we leave behind?
The exhibition features work made by a collective of artists and researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the fall of 2024, anchored in a class co-taught by visual artist Jordan Tierney and environmental anthropologist Anand Pandian. The exhibit present artifacts and evidence from our collective journey into the future.
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students