Pre-Retirement Program Webinar: Tips on Aging Well

Sept 10, 2024
12 - 1pm EDT
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


No matter your age, there are things everyone can do to support and improve your overall health for years to come. From recommended screenings to healthy lifestyle practices, join the Johns Hopkins Work Stride Oncology Nurse Navigator for an interactive webinar at noon on Tuesday, September 10, to discuss aging well for a happy, healthy life, with an opportunity for Q&A.

Register in advance for this webinar with JH Work Stride.

The Work Stride program is offered at no charge to JHU employees. Have questions about screenings or want information about how to protect yourself and your family? Contact your Work Stride oncology nurse navigator at 844-446-6229 or via email at

This webinar is part of the Pre-Retirement Planning program, offered by JHU's Office of Benefits & Worklife. The program is designed to help employees prepare for retirement, whether you are early- or midcareer, or within five to 10 years of your target retirement date, and empower you to make a smooth transition from full-time employment to post-work life.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff

Posted in Benefits

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