Envision: The Future of Prevention

Envision 2024 is an international two-day conference featuring the latest advancements and prevailing conversations in the prevention of child sexual abuse.
Envision will be hosted by the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in collaboration with Darkness to Light, The Mama Bear Effect, #WeRideTogether, ATSA, Patrice's Kids, and Valor.
The conference will unite speakers and attendees from diverse backgrounds including advocates, child protection experts, communication specialists, funders, policy makers, researchers, students, survivors, treatment providers, and more.
This year's theme, "The Future of Prevention," will focus on gathering experts to envision practical ways we can join together to strengthen resolve, enhance collaboration, and galvanize efforts to stop child sexual abuse. This special event will focus on the monumental milestones made toward prevention over the past decade and highlight next steps to build upon the momentum of these advancements to shape the future of child sexual abuse prevention across the globe.
Full conference access includes:
- All conference sessions, special features, and student poster session
- Lunch and light refreshments (please indicate any dietary restrictions when purchasing your ticket)
- A networking cocktail reception following closing remarks on June 25
- Option to purchase Continuing Education Units
Virtual limited conference access includes:
- Select conference sessions streamed live (breakout sessions not included)
- Session chats monitored by Envision staff (no direct interaction with speakers)
- Access to select conference sessions for a limited time after the event
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students
Early bird tickets provide full conference access at a special price—available until May 31, 2023
Student tickets provide full conference access for students only—available until June 14. Free for graduate and doctoral Bloomberg School of Public Health students.
Virtual tickets provide limited conference access at a discounted price—available until June 14. Continuing education units will not be available for virtual attendees.