MechE Seminar Series: Michael Goldfarb

Michael Goldfarb, a professor of mechanical engineering at Vanderbilt University, will give a talk titled "A Powered-on-Passive Approach to the Design of Powered Lower Limb Prostheses" for the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Goldfarb has secondary appointments as a professor in Electrical Engineering and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Assistant Professor Jeremy Brown hosts.
Lower limb prostheses have traditionally been energetically passive devices, capable primarily of resisting motion. Muscle in the healthy lower limb, however, can both generate as well as resist motion. Over the past roughly 15 years, researchers have been investigating methods of, and the prospective value of, introducing power into lower limb prostheses, so that they are better able to replicate the functionality of the healthy limb. Lower limb prostheses capable of generating (in addition to resisting) movement are generally called powered prostheses. This talk will very briefly review approximately 15 years of my group's research focused on powered prostheses; will summarize the lessons learned in working with powered prostheses; and will describe how we have incorporated these lessons learned into revised approaches to powered prostheses in our current research.
This is a hybrid event; to attend virtually, use the Zoom link (Passcode 530803: Meeting ID: 955 8366 7779).
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students