'A Peace of Science: Diplomacy with North Korea'

Four individuals stand on a green hillside near a large body of water; two of them are pointing at something our of frame to the right
Feb 1, 2024
4 - 6pm EST
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • General public
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


Ona Ambrozaite


Join the JHU Science Diplomacy Hub for a documentary screening of A Peace of Science: Diplomacy with North Korea followed by a conversation with:

  • Nobel laureate Peter Agre, JHU Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
  • Linda Staheli,, founder of Global Co Lab Network
  • Richard Stone, senior science editor for HHMI Tangled Bank Studios

About the documentary

A Peace of Science: Diplomacy with North Korea is a 30-minute educational documentary. The film is focused on empowering next-generation practitioners on the importance of science engagement in building better relations between countries. The primary audience is policymakers and students of international relations, diplomacy, conflict resolution, peace-building, science diplomacy, and Asian affairs.

Who can attend?

  • General public
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


Registration is required

Pease register by Jan. 30


Ona Ambrozaite