Johns Hopkins Student Health and Well-Being Refresh Fest

April 5, 2021
2 - 4pm EDT
Additional dates
Rain location: Freshman Quad Annex, Mattin Center Courtyard Mattin Center Courtyard
Homewood Campus
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Students


JHU Student Health and Well-Being


The Johns Hopkins Student Health and Well-being Team is pleased to invite all Johns Hopkins students and trainees to Refresh Fest, a series of outdoor "grab & go" events that will include giveaways, raffle prizes, and information about health and well-being resources.

Please read the following details before signing up:

Refresh Fest will be on both the Homewood and East Baltimore campuses. You may sign up for any date and location that is convenient for you, but please only sign up for one 30-minute time slot, as we have limited availability due to COVID-19 restrictions. If your schedule changes, please cancel or reschedule your time slot as soon as possible so someone else can attend.

COVID-19 Safety Precautions

The Refresh Fest will follow all Johns Hopkins and Baltimore City guidelines. In order to enter, you must:

  • Arrive and depart within your 30-minute window.
  • Show your Hopkins ID and your green Prodensity badge to staff upon arrival.
  • Wear a face covering, maintain physical distance, and use hand sanitizer.
  • Comply with directional signage to navigate the space safely.
  • If you have any questions about the Refresh Fest, please email

Who can attend?

  • Students


Registration is required

Please register in advance for one 30-minute time slot. If your schedule changes, please cancel or re-schedule your time slot as soon as possible so that someone else can attend.


JHU Student Health and Well-Being