Listening session: Johns Hopkins Committee to Establish Principles on Naming

Jan 15, 2021
12 - 1pm EST
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Faculty


The Johns Hopkins Committee to Establish Principles on Naming—tasked with addressing important questions regarding the legacy of individuals whose names or iconography adorn Johns Hopkins buildings and programs—will host the first in a series of listening sessions. This session will be for Johns Hopkins faculty.

One of several initiatives undertaken by Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medicine during this period of national reckoning with racism and inequality, the committee's charge is to develop institutional-level principles and procedures for evaluating requests to change or remove the name of an existing building or program, which can then be applied with rigor to specific cases.

During the next few weeks, the committee will host listening sessions with faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the Baltimore community.

The committee is focused on three core questions:

  • What substantive criteria should be used when considering renaming requests?
  • What process should be followed in evaluating them?
  • How can we provide effective historical context in cases where renaming isn't appropriate but where greater public understanding of an individual's legacy is warranted?

In order to facilitate a robust discussion about these difficult issues, listening sessions will be divided into small groups, each led by at least one committee member. Pre-registration is required so that breakout rooms can be planned appropriately. Please register if you plan to attend, as virtual seating may be limited; if there is significant demand, organizers may arrange additional listening sessions in the weeks ahead.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty


Registration is required

Register in advance (JHED login required)