Understanding and Treating Depression Webinar

Oct 14, 2020
4 - 5pm EDT
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Benefits Service Center


Relationship or work challenges, grief and loss, or local and national crises can leave us feeling blue. This sadness is a normal part of the human experience. When a range of other symptoms accompany the sadness and last for weeks instead of days, the "blues" may have developed into clinical depression, a medical disorder which affects approximately 11 million American adults each year. Join a mySupport clinician from 4 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14 to learn about the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of clinical depression, as well as effective treatment options for you or someone you care about.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Registration is required

Register in advance for this meeting: https://jh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUudeyrrzIiH9d3GcYpbb_fSr-fPvalvHqB


Benefits Service Center