Wellness Webinar: Skin Cancer Awareness

July 21, 2020
4 - 5pm EDT
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Benefits Service Center


As you spend more time in the sun this summer don't forget to protect your skin. Summer is a great time to relax and play in the sun. Whether you are gardening, swimming or just spending time outdoors, protecting your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays—even on cloudy days—is very important, because skin damage from the sun can lead to skin cancer, the most common types being basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma. In coordination with UV Safety Month, attend the Skin Cancer Awareness webinar offered through our BCBS vendor partner from 4 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21. Learn about the causes of skin cancer, prevention, early detection, risk factors, and how to perform self-examinations.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Registration is required

Register at: https://lms14.learnshare.com/l.aspx?Z=DhakO1aVB%2fmclwOu6lMpWowZzGtk9GH%2bpaKU8E9E02s%3d&CID=89


Benefits Service Center