Tai Chi Tuesdays

July 7, 2020
9 - 9:30am EDT
Additional dates
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Benefits Service Center


Tai chi and qigong are ancient Chinese exercises proven to help reduce stress, strengthen immunity, and improve our overall health and sense of well-being. Join Eric Johnson and Fiona Newton (JHU staff) from Baltimore Tai Chi at 9 a.m. for Tai Chi Tuesdays as they lead you through 20 minutes of simple exercises that will help you relax and cope with any anxiety or stress you may be experiencing during these challenging times.

Tai chi is like a moving meditation with movements that are slow and gentle. Tai chi and qigong will be done standing up so all you need is space to move a little from side to side. Wear loose comfortable clothes and stocking feet or flat-soled shoes.

This class if free. You are welcome to drop in to this Zoom class at any time, or make it part of your weekly health and wellness practice. No prior experience necessary.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Registration is required

Click on the link below for more information and to register: https://lms14.learnshare.com/l.aspx?Z=u9z6Pvnh9h2EI%2fwq1dKU3YaS9nbIGq99Abj57yil%2fB4%3d&CID=89


Benefits Service Center