UHS Wellness Virtual Pilates Mat Class

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


UHS Wellness


Amanda Smith Breon, wellness coordinator for University Health Services Wellness and third-generation classical Pilates instructor, will teach a virtual Pilates mat class on Mondays.

Pilates is a method of body conditioning created by Joseph H. Pilates. The method is a system comprised of mat and apparatus work. Pilates develops the body uniformly through exercises that help develop abdominal strength, increase flexibility, improve posture and alignment, and correct movement patterns. The mat work is progressive, starting with beginner exercises that later increase in pace and range of motion. Intermediate and advanced exercises are gradually layered in, culminating in a flowing workout of more than 35 mat exercises.

Please attend the event by using the Zoom link (Meeting ID: 980 6349 1209 | Password: UHSPilates). Free to all Johns Hopkins affiliates.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


UHS Wellness