2020 Planning Town Hall

May 29, 2020
10:30 am - 12pm EDT

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


This is the third in a series of virtual town hall events to engage the Johns Hopkins University community in the planning process for the remainder of 2020. This session will focus on preparing operational and safety protocols for activities in Phase 1, which largely involves a return to some on-campus research activities.

Heidi Conway, vice president for human resources; Andrew Douglas, professor and vice provost for faculty affairs; Jon Links, professor, vice provost and chief risk and compliance officer; and Bob McLean, vice president for facilities and real estate, will answer moderated questions submitted by participants.

Join the event online; a JHED ID is required to participate. Submit questions in advance at covidtownhall@jhu.edu.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff