CUE2 Feedback Town Hall

April 22, 2020
8 - 9pm EDT
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Students


The Commission on Undergraduate Education


The Second Commission on Undergraduate Education, or CUE2, has released a set of recommendations to redefine Johns Hopkins University's academic program for students seeking bachelor's degrees. Students are invited to share their reactions before the report is finalized in June, including at two newly scheduled virtual town hall meetings on April 22 at 8 p.m. EDT and and April 23 at 7:30 a.m. EDT. Please attend one of the meetings by using the Zoom link posted on the CUE2 website.

At the heart of the CUE2 draft report is an emphasis on six areas in which all Johns Hopkins undergraduates should develop foundational abilities before they graduate: language and writing, scientific and numerical reasoning, interpreting complex creative expression, citizenship in a diverse world, reflective ethical agency, and undertaking large-scale consequential projects. The draft report is on the CUE2 website.

To foster those skills, CUE2 has made recommendations focused on curriculum, teaching, and learning. Some highlights are:

  • a required first-year seminar
  • a Johns Hopkins Semester of intensive study during junior or senior year
  • flexible major requirements to allow for greater intellectual exploration
  • a move to assess students based on whether they met a fixed standard instead of assessing them relative to each other, that is, grading a class on a curve
  • a new system for assessing the quality of instruction and mentoring

Who can attend?

  • Students


The Commission on Undergraduate Education