Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics Seminar: Debra Mathews
Debra J.H. Mathews, the assistant director for science programs for the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and an associate professor of pediatrics at the School of Medicine, will give a talk entitled "Implementing Ethics in Autonomous Systems" for the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics. Dr. Mathews's academic work focuses on ethics and policy issues raised by emerging biotechnologies, with particular focus on genetics, stem cell science, neuroscience, and synthetic biology.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is moving both faster and slower than the general public realizes — it is being deployed extensively across many domains, but we are also still very, very far away from the sorts of autonomous robots imagined by Asimov or anyone who watched The Jetsons as a child or watches Westworld today. Overlapping sets of ethical issues are raised by both current stages and domains of AI development and use and by the autonomy and uses we imagine and hope AI will have in the future. What is crucial is that we appreciate and attend to these issues today so that we can maximize the benefits of this technology for humanity while minimizing the harms.
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students