Write It So They Read It: Best Practices in Business Writing and eWriting
You're writing these memos and sending emails—and no one's reading them.
The solution is to write it so they read it.
Learn these key takeaways with Mandi Stanley, a professional speaker who works primarily with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers:
- Five sure ways to get people to actually read your email
- The top seven credibility-robbing email mistakes and how to avoid them
- The importance of a complete email subject line—and how to write one consistently every time
- How to format bulleted lists for maximum readability—and ease
This session, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Bayview chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals, is approved for 1.25 IAAP CAP recertification points.
Who can attend?
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students
Free for IAAP members; $10 for non-members