Psychiatry as Social Medicine: History of Psychiatry Workshop
The Center for Medical Humanities & Social Medicine and the University of Oslo Institute of Health and Society are co-sponsoring a two-day Psychiatry as Social Medicine: History of Psychiatry Workshop.
Nov. 22 event: Workshop
The problem of integrating the social world into the medical body has appeared and reappeared many times in the history of psychiatry. While psychiatry has always been seen as one of the more evidently 'social' branches of medicine, this social ground is often seen as a liability to a clinical field seeking to ground itself more firmly in a biological science of mental illnesses and cures. In this workshop we aim to explore the "social" in psychiatry in its many forms – the embeddedness of its knowledge in social practices, its organization of social spaces, and its normative function in society regarding crucial social distinctions, such as deviant and usual, or pathological and normal.
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students