Friday Noon:30 Recital Series Historical Performance

The Peabody Renaissance Ensemble Mark Cudek, directorAntony Holborne: Almain: Honiesuckle
Anonymous (Folger Dowland MS): Lesson for two lutes
William Wigthorpe: Come Hither
Johann Schultz: Tantz (Roland)
Anonymous (John Dowland): Fortune my foe
Michael Manganiello, baritone
Anonymous (Folger Dowland MS): Go from my window (Cole Manel, lute)
Anonymous: Unto the prophet Jonah
Christopher Fominaya, bass
Thomas Morley: I go before my darling
John Dowland: Sorrow stay
Kyle Leigh Carney, soprano
Tobias Hume: Hark, hark
Colton Hodge, lyra viol
Thomas Ravenscroft: Three Ravens
Mara Yaffee, soprano
Anonymous: Howell's Delight
Baltimore Baroque Band Risa Browder and John Moran, directorsAntonio Vivaldi: Concerto in A major for strings (with oboe), and basso continuo, RV 158
I. Allegro molto
II. Andante molto
III. Allegro
Biagio Marini: Sonata a 4 in a minor for strings (with recorders), trombone, and basso continuo from Sonate da Chiesa e da Camera, op. 22 (Venice, 1655)
Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto in D major for strings (with traverso & recorders), and basso continuo, RV 123
I. Allegro
II. Adagio
III. Allegro
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students