Film Screening and Discussion: "Starting the Conversation: Breaking the Stigma"

Sept 23, 2019
12 - 1pm EDT
Feinstone Hall, School of Public Health School of Public Health
East Baltimore Campus
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


JHSPH Mental Health Grad Network


Join the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Mental Health Grad Network for a screening of a student-made film entitled Starting the Conversation: Breaking the Stigma featuring six Johns Hopkins faculty members breaking the stigma around mental health.

Hear their stories of lived experience with anxiety and depression, how they managed these struggles to become the successful faculty they are today, and what advice they have for students.

Enjoy food and refreshments as you meet and discuss with others how to break stigma around recognizing and seeking help for mental health struggles and connect with resources available to you.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


JHSPH Mental Health Grad Network