National Health Symposium: Bridging the Health Divide
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory will co-host the inaugural National Health Symposium with the National Defense Industrial Association. The theme is "Bridging the health divide: from research to operations." The symposium will focus on the translation of advances in research and development to the delivery of care in all settings. Bringing together leaders in government, industry, and academia, this program will explore the latest breakthroughs, explore more effective ways to move research discoveries into operational practice, and identify practical approaches to overcoming barriers to engineer an envisioned future for health.
The symposium will feature distinguished speakers, including Dr. Antony Rosen, a professor of Medicine and Cell Biology and the vice dean for research at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Vice Adm. Raquel C. Bono, director of the Defense Health Agency. There will also be panel sessions, lightning talks, and exhibits focused on three impact areas:
- Realizing the promise of health sciences: highlighting the potential of recent scientific breakthroughs; identifying the obstacles to realizing these breakthroughs; and defining a research agenda that will achieve the impact despite the obstacles
- Engineering the future of medicine: unfolding an engineered vision for the future of health; naming the obstacles to implementing well-engineered solutions; and creating a technology development and implementation agenda to realize the future
- Delivering health everywhere: imagining a future where health can be protected in all environments; recognizing the unique challenges of delivering care to the home, in combat, and in the midst of a natural or man-made disaster; and highlighting innovations that have trans-formative potential in delivering high quality care everywhere
The website has more information about the agenda, speakers, and more.
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students
Registration ranges from $350-660 depending on the attendee's role. Regular registration pricing ends on Feb. 18, and late registration is Feb. 19 to March 6.
Registration for this conference includes: continental breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, and a networking reception on Tuesday.
Please register online through the National Defense Industrial Association website before Feb. 26. Attendees may register on site.