HEMI Seminar: James Guilkey

March 1, 2019
12 - 1pm EST
This event is free

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  • General public
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI)


Dr. James Guilkey, a research associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah, will give a talk entitled "Cyberstone: A Material Point Method Based Model for Diagenesis" as part of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute's 2018-19 Lecture Series.


The formation of sedimentary rock, such as sandstone, involves processes including grain deposition, mechanical compaction, dissolution, crystal growth, and cementation. Tools that are capable of predicting porosity and permeability as a function of mineral content and burial history are of interest to the hydrocarbon extraction industry, as these are key components of so-called "reservoir quality." In this presentation, we will describe the workflow used to carry out such simulations. We use the Material Point Method component of Uintah as the main driver of the mechanics and dissolution portions of the calculations, coupled with other software outside of Uintah that computes grain deposition and crystal growth. We will describe modifications to Uintah to enable these calculations, discuss how these components work together, and present results from representative systems.

Who can attend?

  • General public
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI)