Success cafe: A first-year focused event

First- and second-year students: Come to meet with 15+ campus resources, enjoy a hot chocolate bar and cookies, and play games and win prizes while making plans for a healthy, successful next year at Johns Hopkins.
Offices include:
- Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Academic Advising
- Homewood Career Center
- PILOT (Peer-led Team Learning)
- Learning Den Tutoring Services
- Study Consulting Program
- Pre-Professional Advising
- Hopkins Office of Undergraduate Research (HOUR)
- Case Management staff
- Center for Student Success
- Math Help Room
- Center for Social Concern
- Writing Center
- Milton S. Eisenhower (MSE) Library
- Center for Leadership Education
- Campus Ministries
- LGBTQ Life
Who can attend?
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students