Indigenous People's Day Celebration: Evening lecture with Victoria O'Keefe
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students
A talk by Victoria O'Keefe, assistant professor in the Center for American Indian Health and the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
As a member of the Cherokee and Seminole Nations of Oklahoma, O'Keefe is dedicated to working collaboratively with tribal communities to eradicate health disparities. Her primary research area is in developing and evaluating suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention programs that are grounded in tribal culture and implemented/sustained by Native communities.
Indigenous People's Day reimagines Columbus Day and changes a celebration of colonialism into an opportunity to reveal historical truths about the oppression of indigenous peoples in the Americas, to organize against current injustices, and to celebrate indigenous resistance.
The Indigenous People's Day Celebration, which also includes a pow-wow on Keyser Quad, is presented by the Indigenous Students at Hopkins, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
Who can attend?
- General public
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students