Research Administrator Day annual workshop

Sept 24, 2018
1 - 4:30pm EDT
Registration is required
This event is free

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


JHURA, Attn: Katy Pretz


Join the Johns Hopkins University Research Administration for a celebration and workshop dedicated to JHU research administrators, hosted in honor of National Research Administrator Day and coordinated in cooperation with the School of Medicine's Office of Research Administration and Krieger School of Arts and Science's Business and Research Administration Office.

Speakers include: + Alexandra Albinak, associate vice provost for research administration
+ John Toscano, vice dean for natural sciences and professor of chemistry
+ James Taylor, professor of biology and of computer science
+ Jocelyne DiRuggiero, associate research professor of biology

Events on the Homewood campus are preceded by a morning session taking place on the East Baltimore Campus. Speakers and break out facilitators vary between campus workshops.

Who can attend?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


Registration is required

Register online


JHURA, Attn: Katy Pretz