Dean DeWeese on the mound

A night out at Camden Yards gets underway with a first pitch by one of Hopkins' own

Dean DeWeese holding a baseball


More than 1,100 staff, students, and faculty members of Johns Hopkins University and Medicine gathered at Camden Yards on Wednesday Sept. 4, to watch the Baltimore Orioles take on the Chicago White Sox.

Kicking off the game with the ceremonial first pitch was Hopkins' own Ted DeWeese, dean of the School of Medicine and CEO of JHM.

Despite the O's not being able to pull off the win against the visitors, fans had a great experience cheering on the home team in near-perfect fall weather.

Jennifer Mielke, of Johns Hopkins' Government, Community and Economic Partnerships team, accepted the Orioles' Heavy Hitter award before the game in recognition of having sold more than 300 tickets.