The National Institutes of Health has released a new Data Management and Sharing Policy, effective Jan. 25, 2023, that requires submission of a Data Management and Sharing Plan as part of all proposals for research that will generate scientific data.
Generally, the NIH and other funders expect that the data generated during scientific research will be shared broadly at the conclusion of the research; the specifics will depend in part on the type of data involved. In some situations, depositing data in a publicly accessible repository may constitute the best stewardship of the data. In other cases, data may need to be kept in a controlled environment with access limited to those who complete necessary prerequisites.
Many of the costs of data management and sharing may be included in budget proposals as allowable direct costs.
The JHU Research Office says that researchers should anticipate the rollout of these requirements and begin now to develop data management and sharing plans that meet sponsor expectations. It offers guidance about drafting such plans on its website
Additional resources, such as sample plans, are under development and will be available later this fall.
Specific questions about the NIH's new policy or other funder requirements can be directed to Alexandra Albinak, the university's associate vice provost for research administration, or Tom Burns, assistant dean for research affairs in the School of Medicine.
For questions related to data derived from human research participants, contact the applicable institutional review board: Homewood IRB, Bloomberg School of Public Health IRB, or Johns Hopkins Medicine IRB.
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