In a message sent today to the Johns Hopkins community, President Ronald J. Daniels and Interim Senior Vice President Mary Miller said that the university's current financial status would allow it to begin relaxing the austerity measures put into place earlier in the pandemic.
Most notably, the university will be able to restore six months of retirement contributions to faculty and staff. In addition, they wrote, resumption of hiring for positions with a start date of July 1 can begin now, and merit pay increases, which have been frozen until the end of this fiscal year, will resume on July 1.
"Thanks to the remarkable resourcefulness and ingenuity of so many, and the good fortune of some one-time occurrences, including tremendous philanthropic support, we are in a much stronger position at midyear than we had expected," they wrote. Details on the university's financial performance in the first half of this fiscal year (July through December 2020) are available here.