A roundup of recent honors across the university

The following faculty members at the schools of Business, Education, and Public Health, and at the Berman Institute of Bioethics were recently recognized by the university or outside organizations for their accomplishments.

Berman Institute of Bioethics

Joseph Carrese, a core faculty member at the Berman Institute and a professor in the Department of Medicine in the School of Medicine, was elected a fellow at the Hastings Center. Fellows are individuals of outstanding accomplishment whose work has informed scholarship and/or public understanding of complex ethical issues in health, health care, life sciences research, and the environment.

Bloomberg School of Public Health

Beth Resnick has been promoted to senior scientist in the Department of Health Policy and Management.

Mathu Santosham, director emeritus of the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health, is one of four recipients of the Prince Mahidol Award 2017 in public health. The award, which is given in public health and in medicine, is named for the late Prince Mahidol of Songka, who modernized medical services and education in Thailand and is known to the country as the father of modern medicine and public health. The four researchers who received the public health award this year are all working on the control of Haemophilus influenza type b, or Hib, and pneumococcal disease around the world. Santosham, who is also a special adviser in the school's International Vaccine Access Center, conducted intensive investigation on the epidemiology of the disease and ran vaccine research trials in the late 1980s. He is being recognized for his landmark scientific contribution to this field.

Carey Business School

Stacey Lee, an associate professor, has been chosen for the roster of the Fulbright Specialist Program, an initiative of the Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and World Learning. Lee is an expert in business law, health law, and negotiation. As a member of the roster, she is eligible to be assigned to a project that matches her expertise at a host institution in any of more than 150 countries. Her tenure on the roster began Dec. 1, 2017, and continues until Dec. 1, 2020. Read more.


Jessica Fanzo, Bloomberg Distinguished Associate Professor of Global Food and Agricultural Policy and Ethics at SAIS, the Berman Institute, and the Department of International Health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, has been appointed senior nutrition and food systems officer for the Food and Agriculture Organization. In this two-year post, she will be leading the work that FAO does globally, regionally, and at country levels on food systems for improved food security and nutrition. She also will be coordinating and overseeing the activities of the Nutrition Policy Group in the Nutrition and Food Systems Division of FAO.

School of Education

Keri M. Guilbault, an assistant professor of gifted education, has been appointed to the board of directors of the Mensa Education and Research Foundation. A specialist in the needs of highly gifted learners, academic acceleration, and parenting gifted children, Guilbault has received state and national awards for her advocacy, service, and leadership in the field of gifted education. She also serves on the National Association for Gifted Children board of directors and is a former president of state gifted education advocacy organizations in Florida and Maryland.

Robert Slavin and Jonathan Plucker are among the top university-based scholars in the U.S. who are doing the most to shape education policy and practice, according to rankings released Jan. 10 by the Rick Hess Straight Up blog on the Education Week website. Slavin, a professor and director of the Center for Research and Reform in Education, ranks No. 13 out of 200 scholars on the 2018 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings. Plucker, the Julian C. Stanley Professor of Talent Development, who holds a joint appointment at the Center for Talented Youth, ranks No. 93 on the list. The rankings take into account several criteria, including citations by other scholars; number of books authored and edited; and mentions on the web, in newspapers, and in the national press. To be eligible, scholars must be based at a university and focus primarily on educational questions. They are selected by a committee of peers at academic institutions across the country.

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