10 scholars join SAIS faculty

Ten scholars have joined the faculty of SAIS for the 2017–18 academic year, eight of them based in Washington, D.C., and two at SAIS Europe.

David Bulman is an assistant professor of international affairs and China studies and director of the Pacific Community Initiative at the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs. His research focuses on the political economy of development, with an emphasis on the relationship between political and career incentives and economic outcomes in China. He earned his doctorate in China studies from Johns Hopkins SAIS.

Ritam Chaurey is a visiting assistant professor of international economics. His broad research interests are in the fields of development economics and applied microeconomics with a focus on firm behavior and entrepreneurship in developing countries. Chaurey earned his doctorate in economics from Columbia University.

Nina Hall is an assistant professor of international relations and is based at SAIS Europe. Her areas of expertise include international organizations, transnational advocacy, global refugee and migration governance, and climate change adaptation. She is currently researching how international advocacy is changing in the digital era. Hall earned her doctorate in international relations from the University of Oxford.

Lisel Hintz is an assistant professor of international relations and European studies. She works at the intersection of identity politics and foreign policy and is particularly interested in how domestic identity struggles spill over to shape international affairs. Her regional focus is on Turkey and its relations with Europe and the Middle East. Hintz earned her doctorate in political science from George Washington University.

Mara Karlin is executive director of the Phillip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, associate director of the Strategic Studies program, and associate professor of the practice. Karlin's expertise includes defense budgeting, future wars and the evolving security environment, and regional affairs involving the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. She earned her doctorate in international relations from Johns Hopkins SAIS.

Matthew Kocher is a senior lecturer of international studies and political science. Kocher's research is concerned with the causes and dynamics of civil wars and other violent social processes. He is an innovator in the use of geographical information systems, quantitative micro-comparative analysis, and the construction of datasets from archival materials. Kocher earned his doctorate from the University of Chicago.

Alice Pannier is an assistant professor of international relations and European studies. Her research and teaching interests cover security and defense cooperation in Europe, transatlantic relations, French and British defense policies, and international relations theories. Pannier earned her doctorate in international relations from Sciences Po Paris with joint supervision from King's College London.

Thomas Rid is a professor of strategic studies. His research interests include cybersecurity, the identification of network breaches, counterinsurgency, and media coverage of war. Rid earned his doctorate in social science from Humboldt University in Berlin.

Federico Rossi is the Vera and Stefano Zamagni Assistant Professor of Development Economics, based at SAIS Europe. His research interests lie at the intersection of applied macroeconomics and economic development, with a focus on human capital. He is completing his doctorate in economics at the London School of Economics.

Johannes Urpelainen is the Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment and founding director of the Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy. Urpelainen's research focuses on sustainable solutions to the problem of lacking energy access in emerging economies. He earned his doctorate in political science from the University of Michigan.

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