KSAS welcomes 20 new scholars to faculty

The Krieger School of Arts and Sciences this semester welcomed 20 new scholars to its faculty. Their names, positions, departments, and fields of specialization are as follows:

  • Shane Butler, professor, Classics: media history and theory; sensation, cognition, and aesthetics; rhetoric and poetics
  • Michael Degani, assistant professor, Anthropology: sociocultural anthropology, infrastructure in post-socialist Tanzania
  • Tamer El-Leithy, assistant professor, History: social/cultural history of the medieval Middle East and Mediterranean, history of religious difference
  • Mary Favret, professor, English: British Romanticism, late 18th- early 19th-century English literature, war studies, gender and genre, literature and violence
  • Taekjip Ha, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor (with joint appointments in Medicine and Engineering), Biophysics: single-molecule biology and intracellular imaging; DNA transactions such as replication, recombination, and chromatin assembly
  • Thomas Kempa, assistant professor, Chemistry: solid-state materials chemistry, experimental physical chemistry
  • Hayang Kim, assistant professor, History: modern Japanese history, cultural and intellectual history, human sciences, women and gender, disability studies
  • John Kim, associate professor, Biology: regulation of post-embryonic and germline development, transposon silencing to preserve genome integrity, and oncogenic cell proliferation
  • Sebastián Mazzuca, assistant professor, Political Science: state formation, regime change, and economic development
  • Joris Mercelis, assistant professor, History of Science and Technology: business history, history of chemistry, plastics science
  • Sara Miglietti, assistant professor, German and Romance Languages and Literatures: French and European Renaissance literature and thought, book history, the history of political thought, early modern France
  • Andrew Miller, professor, English: Victorian studies, literary form and perspective, moral philosophy and psychology
  • Andrew Motion (U.K. poet laureate 1999–2009), professor, Writing Seminars: poetry, biography, novels
  • Sua Myong, associate professor, Biophysics: single molecule and single cell imaging
  • Emily Riehl, assistant professor, Mathematics: category theory related to homotopy theory, model categories, weak factorization systems
  • David Savitt, professor, Mathematics: algebraic number theory, Galois representations, modular forms, p-adic Hodge theory
  • Sebastian Schmidt, assistant professor, Political Science: international relations, social theory, intellectual history, international security
  • Joshua Smith, assistant professor, Classics: Greek language and literature, ancient scholarship, history of literary criticism
  • Sara Thoi, assistant professor, Chemistry: coordination chemistry, materials synthesis, electron and ion transport, photochemistry, electrocatalysis
  • Yi Wang, assistant professor, Mathematics: geometric analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations

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